MoreNova FEM

MoreNova FEM

$30,000 (USD)

Location:Los Alamitos, CA

orCall 1-562-326-5720


What is MorenovaFem?

Restoring feminine wellness and continence at any age.

MorenovaFem is a cutting-edge trans-vaginal modality for treating common feminine issues related to aging, childbirth or cancer therapy.

Utilizing Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy (LISWT), it augments the body’s self-healing power, and is able to restore, enhance, and even normalize vaginal form and function.

Who is it for?

MorenovaFem may be right for women of all ages

experiencing changes in their vaginal health:

• Female sexual dysfunction (FSD)

• Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)

• Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)

• Vaginal laxity

Uncompromising safety with no heating or ablation, no side effects.

Look what doctors have to say about the MoreNova FEM

"Morenova can be an excellent alternative for patients who wish to avoid surgery or medication, as neither promotes such regenerative

and durable responses. Patients note a significant improvement in their sensation and sexual satisfaction, also from their partners."

"Treatment with Morenova is well tolerated and my patients are very happy with their results. They are reporting a substantial difference in tightness, urine leakage and other menopausal symptoms"

Keywords: Vaginal rejuvenation, Female Sexual Dysfunction FSD treatment, Painful Intercourse Dyspareunia treatment, Stress urinary Incontinence treatment, Vaginal Laxity treatment


ModelMoreNova Fem Vaginal Rejuvenation system
Stock Number136